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Apple Watch: Go From Newbie to Pro by Building 14 Apps
Your First Watch App
Welcome! (3:41)
Downloading Xcode (3:41)
Setting Up Our Project (7:46)
Adding Some Magic (4:07)
The Basics of Swift
Intro (1:06)
What Is Swift (3:26)
Variables and Constants (7:01)
Strings and Ints (6:09)
Advanced Strings and Ints (5:06)
If Statements and Booleans (12:02)
Comments (3:57)
Arrays (6:40)
For Loops (10:03)
Dictionaries (6:31)
Functions (13:52)
Classes (6:40)
Outro (0:18)
*APP - 2* Minication
Intro (3:29)
Let's Look at That Drawing Again (5:08)
Listing Destinations (6:18)
Adding Images (8:51)
Moving to the next Screen (6:35)
Challenge (1:19)
*APP - 3* Tip Calculator
Intro (2:23)
Drawing Is Good (3:48)
Laying out the First Controller (4:57)
Creating Actions (7:14)
Segue with Code (5:14)
Code Version of an Interface Controller (6:52)
Getting the Slider to Update the Label (11:49)
Passing Info (13:51)
Doing Some Calculations (9:17)
The Last Puzzle Piece (4:48)
Challenge (1:41)
*APP - 4* Emoji Dictionary
Intro (2:23)
Check out My Sketch! (5:27)
Our First Table (6:50)
Customize the Rows (9:57)
Use an Array to Fill the Table (8:11)
Push Segue (4:43)
Design the Big Emoji Controller (6:52)
Pass Da Emoji (10:19)
Challenge (2:53)
*APP - 5* Quotes
Intro (1:31)
Do You Even Draw BRO!? (3:33)
Get That Table Up (8:11)
Adding a Context Menu (7:32)
Change the Quotes! (9:46)
Challenge (1:16)
*APP - 6* Scoreboard
Intro (1:32)
Drawing Game is ON POINT (3:28)
Layout for the First Screen (4:57)
Groups on Groups on Groups (6:50)
Page Based Navigation BRUH (2:55)
What Are NSUserDefaults? (12:03)
Testthang (14:17)
Challange (1:07)
*APP - 7* Bedtime
Intro (1:30)
What Does the Drawing Look Like? (2:09)
Let's Talk About Timers (4:12)
Set the Time and NSDate (20:55)
Let's Set a Bedtime (9:42)
Messin' with NSUserDefaults Again (11:38)
Connecting Everything Together (8:39)
Challenge (1:05)
*APP - 8* BitPrice
Intro (2:20)
Napkin Drawing! (5:09)
Layout on Fleek (7:08)
Working with an API to Get Bitcoin Price (16:02)
Display the Price in the Glance (12:26)
Challenge (1:30)
*APP - 9* Hall of Fame
Intro (1:43)
Sick Drawing Bro! (2:37)
Get That Table Scrollin' (8:48)
Making a Basketball Player Class (9:45)
Circle Images (15:24)
Pass the BasketballPlayer Object (10:32)
Fill in Those Deets (15:09)
Map Magic (11:56)
Challenge (0:55)
*APP - 10* ToDoChecklist
Intro (2:37)
Drawing (2:38)
What is Core Data? (5:58)
Make a Framework (11:55)
Saving Our First CoreData Object! (14:16)
iOS Design (5:15)
Take Data Out (8:08)
Show ToDos in the Table (8:05)
Challenge (1:19)
*APP - 11* Daily Motivation
Intro (1:46)
Drawing (3:51)
What are notifications? (5:31)
Add an App Icon (4:01)
Static Notifications (10:39)
Dynamic Notifications (16:50)
Challenege (0:59)
*APP - 12* Pushup Coach
Intro (1:16)
Drawing is Fun (5:35)
Let's Segue! (7:31)
Save to NSUserDefaults (12:37)
Menu Item (5:58)
Home Screen Design (3:27)
Challenge (2:04)
*APP - 13* Flip A Coin
Intro (1:49)
Let's Draw (1:57)
Heads or Tails (5:10)
Our First Animation (6:25)
Animate on Tap (3:47)
Finishing Touches (7:11)
Challenge (0:55)
*APP - 14* Fake A Call
Intro (2:41)
The Drawing (2:13)
Talk to the Phone (3:42)
Catch the Info (6:21)
Show the Fake Call (6:12)
Using the UserInfo (4:52)
Challenge (2:03)
Home Screen Design
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